NYC Car Crashes

Car crashes and accidents are a serious problem in many places. NYC being a major city faces challenges in regards to traffic and safety relating to car crashes. Car crashes occure for many different reasons and involve many different types of vehicles. Since there are five boroughs in NYC, each borough may face their own unique challenges in regards to car accidens. We look at the trends in car crashes below and analyze them over years.


Brooklyn and Queens have the highest reported number of car crashes in 2021 and 2022 of the boroughs in NYC. 2021 seems to have much more data surrounding car crashes overall in NYC, which could possibly be due to lower number of crashes in 2022, or more likely could be due to a lesser number of posted reports about 2022 car crashes.


Most car crashes in NYC injure either more than three people or no people at all, relatively few crashes injure only 1 or 2 people.

Map of NYC car crashes showing the amount of people injured


Given the map, it is clear a majority of car crashes do not injure anyone. NYC Crashes aren’t overwhelmingly focused in just one area, however, it can be see that many of the crashes happen along highways or large city streets.