NYC Hate Crimes

We define hate crimes iin NYC as offenses committed against people due to the victim's race, religion, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientatiton, gender identity, etc. We look at the different motives and biases present in people who commit these terrible crimes. There has been an increase in organizations to advocate and raise awareness about this pressing issue. We look at which groups are targeted more and the number of victims.


A vast majority of hate crimes in New York City are categorized as offenses related to religion and religious practices. Race/color and sexual orientation account for a notable amount of hate crimes in NYC. Gender and ethnicity offenses make up a very slim percentage of the hate. crimes


From 2019 to 2023, hate crimes in NYC related to an Anti_Jewish motive were consistently much higher than any other motive, with a peak in 2019 of 210 victims. Anti-Asian hate crimes spiked in 2021, possibly relating to responses from the Covid-19 Pandemic.