NYC Shootings

New York City is a very big city that contains five different boroughs. In big cities like NYC there is a big threat of crimes. This page focuses on shootings in NYC. The amount of shootings have been known to fluctuate over the years and are based on various factors such as law enforcement, community, etc. Here we look at shootings in more recent years and analyze the different groups of people who have committed these crimes too.


Over the years 2006-2021, shootings in NYC were highly concentrated in Brooklyn and the Bronx, as the two boroughs had consistently the highest amount of shootings per year. Staten Island throughout the time frame had the lowest number of shootings per year.


Victims of shootings in NYC over the years 2006-2021 were overwhelmingly male.


Victims of shootings in NYC likely fall into either the 18-24 or 25-44 age range. A significant number of victims are under 18, but very few are over the age of 45.

Map of NYC Shootings based on Victims


From the map, it is clear most victims of shootings are men. Shootings are also very concentrated in the Bronx and Brooklyn, with relatively few falling outside of either, staying consistent to the above bar chart showing shootings by borough over the years.